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cPCI chassis, 1U~9U

4U CompactPCI Express Chassis
4U CompactPCI Express Chassis
Dimensions: 4U(H) x 19"(W) x 430mm(D)
For more details, please contact us.

․Dimension: 1U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․Front cage: 2-slot, 6U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 2-slot, 6U x 80mm
․Backplane: 6U 2 slots, PICMG2.0R3.0 or 2.16
․ATX Power supply: 250W or 400W

•EMC integrated system in 19” rack mount
•Dimension: 2U (H) x 84T (W) x 285 mm (D)
․Front cage: 4-slot, 6U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 4-slot, 6U x 80mm
․Backplane: 6U 4 slots, PICMG2.0R3.0 or 2.16
․2 x 47pin sockets for cPCI power supplies
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/ 250W/ 300W
․Hot-swappable fan tray with 3 fans; each fan: 70 x 70 x 15 mm, 34.8CFM

․Dimension: 2U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․Front cage: 4-slot, 6U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 4-slot, 6U x 80mm
․Backplane: 6U 4 slots, PICMG2.0R3.0 or 2.16
․ATX Power supply: 250W or 400W
․Hot-swappable fan tray with 3 fans; each fan: 70 x 70 x 15 mm, 34.8CFM
․Options: Device holders for 1 x 3.5”HDD and 1 x slim CD-ROM
․Customization is available.

․EMC integrated system in 19” rack mount
․Dimension: 4U (H) x 84T (W) x 285 mm (D)
․Front cage: 8-slot, 6U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 8-slot, 6U x 80mm
․Backplane: 6U 8 slots, PICMG2.0R3.0 or 2.16
․47pin sockets for 1/2/3/4 cPCI power supplies
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/250W/300W
․Hot swappable fan unit: 6-fans, each fan: 70 x 70 x 15 mm, 34.8CFM

․Dimension: 4U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․Front cage: 8-slot, 6U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 8-slot, 6U x 80mm
․Backplane: 6U 8 slots, PICMG2.0R3.0 or 2.16
․ATX Power supply: 250W/ 400W ATX
․Options:device holders for 1 x 3.5”HDD and 1 x slim CD-ROM
․Custom chassis and backplane are available

․Dimension: 3U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․Front cage: 3U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 3U x 80mm
․Backplane: 3U 4/6/8 slots for 3U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0, 66/33 bit or 33bit
․ATX Power supply: 250W/400W
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/250W/300W
․Options: Device holders for 1 x 5.25” and 1 x 3.5”
․Cutom chassis or backplanes are available.

․Dimension: 4U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․Front cage: 8-slot, 3U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 8-slot, 3U x 80mm
․Backplane: 3U 4/6/8 slots for 3U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0, 66/33 bit or 33bit
․ATX Power supply: 250W/400W ATX
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/250W/300W
․Options: device holders for 1 x 5.25” and 1 x 3.5”
․Custom chassis and backplane are available.

․Dimension: 4U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․1 fan in a pluggable 1U fan unit
․Front cage: 8-slot, 3U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 8-slot, 3U x 80mm
․Backplane: 3U 4/6/8 slots for 3U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0, 66/33 bit or 33bit
․ATX Power supply: 250W/400W ATX
․Options: Device holders for 1 x 5.25” and 1 x 3.5”
․Cutom chassis or backplanes are available.

․Dimension: (0.5+3+0.5)U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․Front cage: 21 slots for 3U x 160mm boards
․Rear I/O: 21 slots for 3U x 80mm boards
․Backplane: PICMG2.0R3.0, 4/6/8/16/18 slots
․Power supply: 250W/380W ATX or 250W cPCI PSU
․Custom backplanes are available.

․Dimension: 5U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․3 fans in a pluggable 1U fan unit (air flow: bottom to top rear)
․Front cage: 8-slot, 3U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 8-slot, 3U x 80mm
․Backplane: 3U 4/6/8 slots for 3U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0, 66/33 bit or 33bit
․ATX Power supply: 250W/400W ATX
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/250W/300W
․Options: device holders
․Custom chassis and backplane are available.

․Dimension: 6U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․Front cage: 8~21 slots, 6U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 8~21 slots, 6U x 80mm
․Backplane: 8/10 slots for 6U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0
․ATX Power supply: 250W or 400W
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/300W/250W/400W/500W
․Options: Device holders for 1 x 5.25”and 1.35”
․Custom chassis and backplane are available.

․Dimension: 7U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․Front cage: 8~21 slots, 6U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 8~21 slots, 6U x 80mm
․Backplane: 8/10 slots for 6U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0
․ATX Power supply: 250W or 400W
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/300W/250W/400W/500W
․1U hot-swappable fan tray with 3 fans, air flow from bottom to top
․Options: device holders
․Custom chassis and backplane are available.

․Dimension: 7U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․Front cage: 8/10 slots for 6U x 160mm, 2-6 slots for 3U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 8/10 slots, 6U x 80 mm
․Backplane: 8/10 slots for 6U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0
․ATX Power supply: 250W or 400W
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/300W/250W/400W/500W
․1U hot-swappable fan tray with 3 fans, air flow from bottom to top
․Options: Device holders for 1 x 5.25”and 1.35”
․Custom chassis and backplanes are available.

․EMC integrated system in 19” rack mount
․Dimension: 8U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․Front cage: 8/10 slots for 6U boards
․Rear I/O: 8/10 slots for 6U x 80mm boards
․Backplane: 8/10 slots for 6U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0
․ATX Power supply: 250W or 400W
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/300W/250W/400W/500W
․1U hot-swappable fan tray with 3 fans, air flow from bottom to top rear
․Options: Device holders for 1 x 5.25”and 1.35”
․Custom chassis and backplanes are available.

․EMC integrated system in 19” rack mount
․Dimension: 8U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․Front cage: 8/10 slots for 6U boards
․Rear I/O: 8/10 slots for 6U x 80mm boards
․Backplane: 8/10 slots for 6U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0
․ATX Power supply: 250W or 400W
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/300W/250W/400W/500W
․1U hot-swappable fan tray with 3 fans, air flow from bottom to top rear
․Options: Device holders for 1 x 5.25”and 1.35”
․Custom chassis and backplanes are available.

․Dimension: 9U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․3 fans in a pluggable 2U fan unit, air flow from front to top rear
․Front cage: 8-21 slots, 6U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 8-21 slots, 6U x 80mm
․Backplane: 8/10 slots for 6U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0
․ATX Power supply: 250W or 400W
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/300W/250W/400W/500W
․Options: device holders for 1 x 5.25” and 2 x 3.5”
․Custom chassis and backplanes are available.

․Dimension: 9U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․3 fans in a pluggable 1U fan unit, air flow from bottom to top rear
․Front cage: 8-21 slots, 6U x 160mm
․Rear I/O: 8-21 slots, 6U x 80mm
․Backplane: 8/10 slots for 6U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0
․ATX Power supply: 250W or 400W
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/300W/250W/400W/500W
․Options: device holders for 1 x 5.25” and 2 x 3.5”
․Custom chassis and backplanes are available.

․Dimension: 9U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․3 fans in a pluggable 2U fan unit, air flow from front to top rear
․Front cage: for 6U*160mm boards and 3U*160mm boards
․Rear I/O: 8-21 slots, 6U x 80mm
․Backplane: 8/10 slots for 6U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/300W/250W/400W/500W
․Options: device holders for 1 x 5.25” and 2 x 3.5”
․Custom chassis and backplanes are available.

9U-type 3- B
․Dimension: 9U (H) x 84T (W) x 283mm (D)
․3 fans in a pluggable 2U fan unit, air flow from front to top rear
․Front cage: for 6U*160mm boards and 3U*160mm boards
․Rear I/O: 8-21 slots, 6U x 80mm
․Backplane: 8/10 slots for 6U boards, PICMG2.0R3.0
․cPCI Power supply: 200W/300W/250W/400W/500W
․Options: device holders for 1 x 5.25” and 2 x 3.5”
․Custom chassis and backplanes are available.

Custom platform
․Custom chassis and backplanes are available.

4U custom platform
4U custom chassis accommodates 6U boards and 3* hot-swappable CD ROM.